Lewis James Phillips

Born Of Fire

Born Of Fire

In the South of Wales we find ourselves in a mainly controversial environmental desert, overgrazed with plantations that let little of no light in what so ever. But what is stark, is when a natural or man made fire is caused and the after affects of nature are very apparent.

“Born of fire” showcases a natural process where a landscape, after being devastated by a severe fire, undergoes a remarkable cycle of rejuvenation and rebirth. While fires can initially appear destructive, they often play a critical role in the health and renewal of ecosystems.

After the fire, the grasses regenerate in a vibrant green as they recover, while foxgloves may begin as soft green rosettes before eventually producing their iconic tall stalks with pink or purple blooms. The overall scene shifts from scorched black and brown to vivid greens and purples, symbolizing the landscape’s renewal.


These plants stabilize the soil and create conditions for more complex ecosystems to develop if they are not grazed or miss used.


This short but very inspiring time for me as a landscape photographer gave me the insight into natures recovery. Within a 15 minute drive I could see the improvement of the landscape within a weekly basis, this was literally documented over a 3 month period.





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